Digital Air.
Dead easy.

DT Connect utilizes state-of-the art hard- and software for the intelligent networking of machines and processes. With help of artificial intelligence and IoT we simplify digital processes for companies in industrial plant engineering.

Learn more
  • Track compressed-air networks and get real-time data about flow, consumption and leaks.

    An abstract network of compressed air pipes with sensors and a compressor. Also contains some alerts.
  • Track live data and detect anomalies in real-time.

    An abstract illustration of a graph tracking a spread in data measurements over time.
  • Schedule assignments and keep a detailed track of maintenance and repair history.

    An abstract card showing the visual representation of a repair assignment.
  • Manage your workforce, time-track and assign tasks.

    A list of three different teams, each with a visual indicator such as checkmarks or lines.
backed by:
  • druckluft-technik Chemnitz GmbH Logo
  • aigroup GmbH Logo
  • druckluft-technik Leipzig GmbH Logo

Leaks, Stations and Assignments?
Optimized and in Realtime, with DT Connect.

DT Connect is a comprehensive cloud platform that helps you better manage and understand compressed air systems. Our extensive, user-friendly interface makes decision-making easier. With a customized offering of software, analytical algorithms, and sensors, our product portfolio forms the backbone of some of Germany's largest compressed air networks.

Why us?
  • Abstract illustration showing a graph of activities performed this quarter and table of compressors, both without specific information.

    Planning and management

    Manage your whole business in a dashboard centered around compressed-air.

  • Image of two engineers onsite looking at a laptop, with an overlay showing the summary of all stations in the system sorted by their state (active, maintenance, repair).

    Digital Assembly Companion

    Your companies knowledge base in the pocket of your mechanics. Easy way to submit reports.

  • Abstract illustration of a compressed air network with a card showing leak details without specific information.

    Real-time tracking

    Get live updates about leaks in your stations. Track precise air-flow measurements.

Certified for research
and innovation

Don’t overpay
for leaks.

Even new, well-maintained compressed air networks lose around 15 to 20% of air during operation – for older networks, it can quickly be 30 to 40%.

Learn more about how DTC Analytics proactively prevents leaks.

Go paperless.

  • Single source of truth for all company data
  • Increase efficiency and productivity
  • Cut on costs for storage, paper and ink
Abstract illustration of two routes getting merged into one by the DT Connect logo. Some alerts included as well.

Save on
fault finding.

Fault finding and repairs: Double work is almost unavoidable in traditional industries. DT Connect detects system errors at the latest when they occur. Digital job scheduling simplifies the team's daily routine.

Learn more about DTC Systems, and how it helps your mechanics.

You know you are wasting resources.
Time to improve.

DT Connect will not only help you and your business go paperless, it also comes with countless other features that will leap your team into the digital age. Real-time data tracking down to each pipe, automated maintenance and repair reports, bi-directional compressor communication and much more.

  • Revolutionary IoT Devices

    With a set of sensors and modules, DTC Analytics will track your stations in real-time. Get notified about leaks, spend, consumption, and parametrize your compressors.

    Abstract illustration of a compressed air network including a smart compresssor, pipes and different sensors.
  • Seemingless Integrations

    All DT Connect modules interconnect with each other, allowing your team to access our different products without boundaries.

    Abstract illustration showing the icons for different modules of DT Connect as smaller bubbles, while the large bubble in the middle is the DT Connect logo itself.
  • Unlimited Data History

    With digital tracking of tasks, maintenance- and repair assignments, DT Connect allows you to schedule work like never before.

    Illustration of a card representing a maintenance assignment, information is greyed out in "skeleton style".
  • Detailed Component Insights

    Keep track of test-cycles, boundaries and reports. Create digital files by attaching images and files.

    Illustration of a card representing a station, information is greyed out in "skeleton style".
  • Saving Costs and Material for 2000 Customers

    “DTC Analytics optimizes our operational processes and allows for a better workload and workforce management.”

    Lars Evers CEO at Druckluft-EVERS GmbH
  • Saving Costs and Material for 2000 Customers

    “DTC Analytics optimizes our operational processes and allows for a better workload and workforce management.”

    Lars Evers CEO at Druckluft-EVERS GmbH
  • DT Connect Optimizes our Business Operations

    “Through the introduction of DT Connect, we achieve a sustainable reduction in business trips and working hours thanks to improved workload planning.”

    Katrin Wendler CEO at K & H Medizintechnik GmbH
  • Detailed Analytics for Plant Construction

    “On an every-day basis, we are dealing with an unmetered amount of leaks in our customers stations. Deficiencies cause us significant costs and create unnecessary service visits. DT Connect actively prevents not only faults, but also helps us to efficiencly plan our workload.”

    Hans-Peter Wolf CEO at WOLF Drucklufttechnik GmbH
  • DT Connect Allows us to Comply with Science Based Targets Climate Targets

    “Analysis shows that we lose about 30% of our compressed air before it reaches machines. DT Connect allows us to identify leaks and proactively repair them.”

    Torsten Heymann CEO at BGH Edelstahl Lugau GmbH

DT Connect Provides Your Business with 3 Core Building Blocks

An easy-to-use ERP, a mobile companion and a detailed analytics suite are the backbone of DT Connect. The platform behind DT Connect is built by a team of experienced tech & plant construction engineers. Our founders were among the first 15 practioners to be part of the AirGroup foundation. We have witnessed the evolution from cost management to leakage analysis. We know where the market has been and we understand where it is going.

About the team
  • 9 Certified Partners
  • 58+ Years of Combined Business Experience

Cloud business intelligence.

DTC Web is the enterprise resource planning tool that leaps your business into the digital age. Manage your workforce, keep track of all your stations and plan assignments like never before. Seamlessly integrates all other products coming with DT Connect.

  • Workload Tracking

    DTC Web allows you to schedule, maintain and analyze tasks assigned to teams or individuals, as well as maintenance and repair assignments.

  • Station Management

    View detailed information about your stations such as live-data, components and maintenance and repair history.

  • Workforce Planning

    Manage your workforce in teams and assign them with tasks.

Leaks are losing you money. Can you track them?

On average, 30% of produced compressed-air is lost before it reaches the consuming machines. Our customers used to overspend for leaks and had to pay for costly repairs associated. DT Analytics tracked faults down and eliminated unneccesary costs.

  • Real-time Data

    Track resource consumption and fault codes in real-time

  • Reduction

    Reduce unneccesary costs and usage

  • Resource Overview

    Get monthlys statistics on your spend compared to expected vs real value

  • Cost Breakdown

    Receive detailed breakdowns of what parts of your stations are causing costs

A Mobile Companion Built to Work.

Attention do detail is what matters to our customesr. DTC Systems helps them go paperless while improving on data integrity. We digitalize your business and make sure, all your data stays in an encrypted, local environment. With our app, your team has access to it anywhere.

  • Automated report input

  • Tasks & Assignments

  • Access to the whole knowledge base

  • Works without network connection

  • Real-time data analysis

  • Manage stations and components


  • DT Connect is currently in the pilot phase. We are testing our prototype with a handful of future clients to validate our business case and make sensible pivots.

  • DT Connect is already showing immense benefits to our partners. If you want to become an early adopter, feel free to reach out to us.

  • DT Connect offers a complex, adjustable suite of software, IoT modules and sensors. We are currently evaluating different pricing strategies as well as module costs. Contact us for prototype estimates.

The Team behind DT Connect:
Innovators and Experts.

  • Lutz Kluge


    Visionary lead with 30 years in plant construction & management

  • Dominik Derus

    Projektingenieur & Vertrieb

    Strategist for planning & requirements

  • Simon Schwitzky

    Entwicklung & Design

    Creative force behind product design & technical engineering

Stay organized and grow your business.

Talk to the team